By Gertrude Onyekachukwu-UTEH:
OGHENEBRORHIE ATIAMARE is the CEO of Luzniffy Lifestock Enterprise located at YAGEP Fish Farm Cluster, Ugbokodo-Okpe. He studied Agricultural Science Education in the Delta State University and, upon graduation, enrolled in the State Government’s Youth Agricultural Entrepreneurs Programme in the 2016/2017 Cycle.
Being an educationalist, he combines fish farming with teaching. He has completed many production cycles and has diversified into piggery. He has acquired a plot of land for his permanent site. He shares his story.

“YAGEP is a success. After I was established as a start-up, I began business in earnest. Ever since, I have completed eight production cycles by stocking fingerlings and feeding them to table size. At present, I have four ponds and 3,000 fish. In 2018, I diversified into piggery; I have 9 pigs. I also acquired a plot of land which I intend to use as my permanent site.
“Fish farming has been rewarding. My standard of living has improved. I have rented and furnished my apartment to my taste. I have two casual staff; while one cares for my fish farm, the other cares for the piggery.”