Africans Rising is convening the biggest gathering of social movements, activists, civil society in Africa and the diaspora.
From 29th – 31st August, 2022, the All-African Movement Assembly will bring together in Arusha, Tanzania over 1000 people from across the continent and diaspora for a hybrid conversation on building grassroots power to make Africa great.
In preparation for this year’s All-African Movement Assembly in Arusha, Tanzania in August, Africans Rising for Justice, Peace and Dignity is hosting a series of Regional consultations to serve as a mobilisation platform for our members across the continent. These consultations are unique opportunities to strengthen the current state of Pan-African organising across the continent. At a time when insecurity is intensifying across swaths of Africa, several African countries are heading into elections, rampant corruption is on the rise, and there is a pressing
need for African innovation in health care solutions, we want to hear from our members across Africa about how they are standing up to meet the needs and challenges of their communities in the present day.
These consultations are important opportunities for us to engage with grassroots movements and build solidarity among Africans concerned about the health and well-being of their local and Pan-African communities. They are platforms for our members to showcase their activism work on issues of gender justice, climate change, good governance, equity and dignity, and civic space.
Submissions from the various consultations will be drafted and shared at the AAMA which is expected to host over 750 participants made up of movements, activists, artists, journalists, civil society organisations, etc. To read the concept note for the All-African Movement Assembly and to register for the event, visit our website at https://www.africansrising.org/aama/
After the success of our recent convening in Cameroon, Freetown and Lusaka, we will continue to host consultations in the remaining 3 regions of the continent and diaspora. The schedule for the convenings is as follows:
- Central Africa Buea, Cameroon – June 23 Passed (https://fb.watch/e3yl3x210C/)
- West Africa Freetown, Sierra Leone – June 29 (Passed: https://fb.watch/e3ycxkJhcO/)
- Southern Africa Lusaka, Zambia – July 6 (https://forms.gle/ox8ys1nbdU afmRXw5)
- North Africa Rabat, Morocco – July 7 (https://forms.gle/nM9NSGX9CefAFRCf9)
- East Africa Nairobi, Kenya – July 14 (https://forms.gle/3oRfRiPM7K)
- Diaspora – TBC
In a nutshell, We shall have the All African Movement Assembly end of August in Arusha, Tanzania which among the areas of focus will be how to build solidarity for stronger movements across the continent to help in building the Africa We Want.
In preparation for the 2022 All-African Movement Assembly (AAMA), Africans Rising, a Pan-African movement of movements is hosting regional convenings at grass roots level to connect with them, and hear what they are doing and how they can collaborate with them to better build this Africa. These convenings will serve as a mobilization platforms for movements across the continent to be engaged and will help Africans Rising to re-establish relationships with the grassroots movements in various key countries and build a sustainable plan. The regional convenings are being hosted in all six regions of the continent and diaspora.
For Central Africa Region, the convening happened on 23rd June, 2022 in Buea South West Region of Cameroon while in West Africa, it happened in Freetown, Sierra Leone.