ASUU Inaugurates DSUST Chapter

By Joseph Obaro Ikupa

The Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) yesterday inaugurated its chapter in Delta State University of Science and Technology, Ozoro.

The inauguration, which took place at the University’s new auditorium, followed the resolution of a well attended Congress of Academic Staff, which conferred on the University the Observer status in ASUU.

Speaking at the inauguration ceremony, the Zonal Coordinator, Benin Zone, who led the national delegation to the event, Prof. Monday Igbafen, formerly Chairman of ASUU at Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma, urged members to rally round their executive members so that the chapter’s chartered status can be accomplished within a short time. He listed numerous benefits of belonging to a trade union like ASUU, which include the welfare benefits of her members and the protection of members’ interest against intimidation and harrassment from any quarter.

Also, speaking at the occasion, one of the resource persons, Prof. Fred Esumeh, immediate past Zonal Coordinator of Benin Zone, comprising Delta, Edo, and Ondo States, said that the three cardinal objectives of ASUU are the quest for knowledge, truth, and service to humanity. These he said all lecturers must uphold.

Earlier, in his office, the Vice Chancellor of the University, Prof. J. S. Oboreh, who received the ASSU leaders, said that it is a thing of joy to have ASUU in the institution because ASUU and management are partners in progress. All Academic Staff, he said, belong to ASUU except anyone officially writes to opt out, which will be detrimental to such a staff.

He seized the opportunity to eulogise the Delta state Governor Rt Hon. Sheriff Oborevwori for adequate funding of the university and granting autonomy to higher institutions in the state. This, according to him, gives him and all chief executives of higher institutions in the state the power to hire staff whenever the need arises, without any form of encumbrances. He ascribed this achievement to the advice of the former Commissioner for Higher Education, Prof. Patrick Muoboghare to the then Governor Senator Dr. Arthur Ifeanyi Okowa, who bought the idea.

The high point of the ceremony was the ratification by Congress of the interim Executives, who include: Dr. Bensandy Ozokeraha, Chairman, Dr. Romans Nwandialu, Vice Chairman, Dr. Edafe Atajeromavwo, General Secretary, Pst. Obaro Ikupa, Financial Secretary, Dr. Precious Omoruwou, Treasurer, Engr. Omokaro Idama, Welfare Secretary, Elohor Okoroyibo Osevwe, Investment Officer, Dr. Akpaobokigho Panya, Internal Auditor and Uzezi Edherie, Assistant Secretary.

News Reporter
Blank NEWS Online founding Editor-in-Chief and Publisher, Albert Eruorhe Ograka, is a Graduate of Mass Communication. He also holds a Post Graduate Diploma (PGD) in Journalism from the International Institute of Journalism (IIJ).

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