In preparation for effective and efficient use of the Okoloba Community ongoing Multi – Purpose Hall / Skill Acquisition Centre project, the Community in conjunction with BENIZZY GLOBAL RESOURCES is currently training interested persons in various Skills such as soap making, Pomade, Bags, Head-tie, Catering, Make-up, Perfume, Interior Decoration, Tie and Dye etc .
The aim is to secure their future from depending only on white-collar jobs instead of self reliant and employers of labour. The three weeks training programme, by the Grace of God would turned out great breadwinners and focused Community leaders that would have the capacity to revolutionize the rural development. Second day into the training, Participants submitted their assignment on Pomade Making. The Head of BENIZZY GLOBAL RESOURCES Pastor Preye Elizabeth Panaye on up and down dress flanked by participants, encourages trainees to be committed and utilized every opportunities before them to add value to their lives, Families and the society, saying SKILLS are the drivers of the World economy . Day two, registered participants thirty (30 persons) it cut across all ages .

Pix. Harrison Akamule